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Science students ensuring next wave of progress at HMV

Jalandhar (Aman Bagga): The quantum leap of Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya Jalandhar from a few disciplines to a plethora of education avenues has been remarkable. The tender sapling of Science planted in 1971 has witnessed a tremendous growth. The institution offers a large number of courses in Science complemented with the best of the infrastructure, high tech labs and innovative teaching methodology to meet the global requirements of education and employment. The courses include B.Sc(Medical), B.Sc(NonMedical), B.Sc(Biotechnology), B.Sc(Med/Non-med with Bioinformatics), B.Sc(Med.with Biotechnology), B.Sc(Computer Science with Physics/Chemistry),Postgraduate programmes M.Sc in Botany, Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Mathematics and Physics.College is also offering one year diploma in Medical Lab Technology and Organic farming under Community College. The students are encouraged by providing total freeships at entry level of undergraduate courses for securing 95% and above in board exams.

Students achieving positions in University/parentless/financially week are also given special concessions and Scholarships (Govt and Non Govt) worth Rs 1 crore each year. Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of Science department take up research projects under the guidance of qualified teachers and present their novel work in National Conferences at Universities. Regular guest lectures, experimental workshops, National and International Seminars , Field visits, Study tours, Industrial visits, Interaction with scientists and learning through experiments to sharpen the analytical skills of students form integral part of pedagogy of Science department.

Highly qualified faculty organises numerous activities to unearth the talent of students and groom them throughout the year. The illustrious alumane of science department have made their mark in India as well as abroad in institutes like Max Plancks Institute, Germany, BARC Mumbai, JNU Delhi, IHBT Palampur and in government sector. Voicing her opinion, Principal Professor Dr.(Mrs.)Ajay Sareen conveyed that our aim is to develop scientifically informed, caring and responsible individuals who can think critically and make informed choices about themselves , the environment and society.