Phagwara (Aman Bagga): GNA University organised a guest lecture on ‘Microwave Processing ‘An Eco-Friendly Technique’’ via the online platform. Dr.Kanchan L. Singh, HOD, Applied Sciences, DAVIET, Jalandhar, was the resource person for this event. Dr. Kanchan holds an experience of more than 23 years of experience in teaching & research.Her area of research work is in the field of Microwave processing of Ceramics, Solid Oxide fuel cell and nanotechnology. The sole objective of the lecture was to apprise the young scientists about the latest eco-friendly techniques.
In the beginning, Dr. Kanchan introduced microwaves along with its applications in space, cell phones, navigation, remote sensing etc. She explained the various techniques for the generation of microwave energy. She also described the history of microwaves and gave contrast with the latest one. She explained the material processing in microwaves using thermal energy. Heating phenomenon occurring in microwave was the key interest of this guest lecture. Heating pattern under conventional and microwave heating conditions and their characteristics were explained by her during lecture. Students understood the various synthesis techniques of microwaves using different materials and their impacts through this event.
Dr.Kanchan made her lecture more interesting by introducing the concept of eco-friendly techniques of microwaves. She explained with pictures that how microwaves can be used to convert the tires into useful products and demonstrate the vulcanization of rubber with microwave. As per the feedback received from the participants, it was very good learning experience, the lecture helped them in understanding the different microwave energies and techniques, which can be implemented in various practical applications.
In this session, more than 110 students from different streams and 8 faculty members of FNS department participated and interacted with Dr. Kanchan and discussed about their doubts and concepts. The vote of thanks was delivered by the HOD of Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mr. Yogesh Bhalla. The session was very interactive and the students participated enthusiastically.
S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra, the Pro-Chancellor GNA University commented, “I feel extremely elated on seeing the active participation of the young scientists in this guest lecture.” Dr. VK Rattan, the Vice-Chancellor, GNA University said, “The University always aspires to uphold such lectures which are always of great help to the students.”