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HMV declared Excellent College by Outlook


Jalandhar: When actions speak, words praise. Recognizing the scads of humanitarian efforts and altruistic initiatives to promote social conscience, and calling Principal Prof. Dr. Mrs. Ajay Sareen a futuristic, vibrant and innovative educationist, Outlook, a reputed magazine, ennobled Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya by declaring it as an excellent college. The magazine enumerated the copious ventures undertaken in collaboration with District Administration, NGOs, MNCs, educational institutes which include starting Project Green Jalandhar, installing waste paper recycling unit, teaching students of slum areas, adopting villages under UBA, providing free skill enhancement programmes, creating awareness for voting, establishing first food forest and IT enabled campus, replacing convocation gowns with traditional Angvastras, launching Legal Literacy Cell, Cyber Law Cell, HMV Oncampus Radio, HMV Mobile App and many more in the list. The honour of being excellent college has also been recently conferred upon HMV by ASSOCHAM and FICCI as well. All this sums up just a period of three years since Principal Dr. Ajay Sareen joined this college. She has been honoured by the Indian Red Cross Society for donating blood 21 times and is the recipient of Mahatma Hans Raj Best Principal Award and Edupreneurs Award. It goes without saying that Principal Dr. Ajay Sareen has ushered a belle epoque of Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya.